Acupuncture moves the blood and retrains your body to heal itself. It is very effective to treat pain as well as circulatory, gastrointestinal, immune, musculoskeletal and emotional disorders, among many others.
We offer a comprehensive nutritional consultation that leads to an individualized nutrition plan to cleanse, repair and fortify almost every gland and organ in your body.
Acupuncture can have a positive effect of improved ovarian and follicular function by increasing blood flow to reproductive organs, balancing hormones and relieving stress and can have a therapeutic effect on patients before progressing to insemination, in vitro fertilization (IVF) or donor-egg transfer.
Massage therapy will help you stimulate and promote self healing, while maximizing your sense of relaxation, relieving tension, eliminating trapped toxins and soothing aching muscles.
Our 21 oms herb bar offers you a variety of specially prepared tea formulas and herb “shots” that will help you address your health concerns.
Oriental Herbs and Acupuncture comprise the two pillars of Oriental Medicine and naturally complement each other. However, the practice of Herbal Medicine is a healing system complete within itself.
Cupping stimulates the flow of blood and creates an avenue for toxins to be drawn out of the body. It is used primarily to treat conditions such as bronchitis, asthma, congestion, arthritis, gastrointestinal disorders and certain types of pain.
Ear acupuncture, in combination with an individualized nutritional plan, is a highly effective alternative to lose weight, with no unwanted, harmful effects.
Deeply hydrates the cells of your body. Kangen water is a free radical scavenger with measurable antioxidant properties. We offer a completely FREE Kangen 10-day challenge! Change your water and you WILL change your life!
We’re in-network with major insurance companies. We’d be happy to check your insurance policy to see if our services would be covered.